The living Art...

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The creative seed is within us all!

Every person is driven from within to discover, experience and finally ignite a learning process that pushes every individual to improve the given "natural" condition. The very need to progress is a natural drive because human life in itself is in a constant flux and interaction with oneself and its given environment that sustains us.

The natural "I"...

In order to progress everyone undergoes a natural process that instruct and teaches us, initially on a sensed physical basis where we go by our senses who's intention is to render us a common sense!

The base... The ideal and a needed relatable wholesomeness!

Life is governed by made experiences                     

fuelled from our sensations,

that are born into this world

to teach and instruct us

about who we might become.


When properly guided                                           

a sensible dissemination,

will serve us to alter and transcend,

give greater meaning, confidence

of who we are.


Understanding the natural "I"                                  

in which body fuels our rational mind,

while comprehending its given limits

is just another step...

in one's personal development - towards greatness!



The need to express is a necessity...

We all start at first, to depend upon our senses. But as soon we begin the official schooling we get trained to learn more those things that is not naturally us. Grammar becomes more important than actually to get to know more in depth our senses and what they ignite deep within us.

A progressive culture needs to cultivate our humanity

Art and the culture of the creative arts depends on a refined perception of our own senses and what surrounds us, permanently stimulating the artist and its quest to review, create anew what seems so obvious!


Within such a personal journey the artist is often being misunderstood as a loner, justly because of such a very personal introspective journey that is at the beginning very self absorband!


Like any other profession the artist undergoes various stages; the first one is the apprentice stage in which one learns the basics of the profession itself. The second phase is usually ignited wit a more in depth exposure in which the aesthetics and the philosophy open up new horizons. The third step is often a breaking with the learned notion of thing, in which one explores a pathway that usually gives way to a more reflective and conscious process.


Creating Art - is a human quest that lives from our sensual experiences, gradually comprehended whilst shaping a needed sensibility as to sustain a related understanding, which eventually sustains a holistic approach....cultivated by those who regard life as the greates gift and responsibility too!


your Artist

